Monday, March 23, 2009

Cami and Kelsey made me do it!

Yep, call it guilt, coercion or whatever you'd like, but it all boils down to me starting a blog! With more and more of my family and friends living far away, this just seems like that best way to keep up with everyone's busy lives. Cami keeps saying that I need to start a blog and Kels has been trying to talk me into it as well, so Kelsey and I made deal last week - she'd jump on the facebook train if I'd jump on the blogging train...choo-choo...all aboard! Here goes...I have a feeling it's going to be a bumpy ride! : )


  1. Congratulations about your leap! I was hesitant at first too, but found I really like using my blog to keep in touch. I still have my journal- (there are things that people just don't need to know!), but love my blog for staying caught up on family and friends. Good luck!

  2. Woohoo! I am excited to keep up with you. Be careful, it can get addicting. Miss you! Loves...

  3. Yahoo! You finally got it! We knew you would cave if we bugged you long enough. it worked!!! You are weak... I knew it!

  4. It was only a matter of time...welcome fellow mormon-mommy-blogger!

  5. We are all sheep....BAAAA.

  6. Yay! What a great surprise! I love the look of it and will love seeing pictures even more! This will help with your journal hopefully. I always copy and paste a lot of my posts to my journal, then add more if I want. Then, I change the date to the date of my post because I don't normally put it in my journal the same day. Anyway, hooray! You better keep it up now, at least once a week - that is your goal! Have fun with it! love and miss you guys!

  7. I knew you were weak. how does it feel? that feeling with eventually fade and soon you will like it. Look forward to reading more.

  8. man talk about peer pressure. i thought you were stronger then that.

    welcome anyways.


  9. Some how I found your blog, how weird. But sweet! Now you have to talk Nikki into starting a blog, but tell her she can have a private one since she is a little paranoid lol.

    Dana Speaker (Firkins)
